Look at these images:
Can you see the difference between the two images? If you look at the second one, it looks as if the shapes had been "arranged" or "centered", don't you think? That is what I intend to achieve with my professional action. Let me explain:
Each person has a way and a style of communicating with themself, their inner world, their beliefs, their emotions, their expectations, their thoughts and their goals.
What is your internal language like? How do you filter your reality? What are your beliefs? What do you usually say? Do you listen to yourself? How many parts of yourself do you recognize?
In the same way, each person establishes a type of communication with their environment, with the reality in which they find themselves or that they have built: they dislike it, they like it, they value it, they want to change it...
Do you like your place in the world? Are you painting the picture in which you live, directing the film of which you are the protagonist? Do you love the situations in which you place yourself, your home, your work, your family, your people ...?
In addition, when socializing, each person develops communication skills to communicate with others: with their family, friends, colleagues, in public ...
How do you communicate with others? How do you listen to others? How do you talk to others? What do you talk about? What do you like to talk about? What would you like to talk about, or listen? What messages would you like to fill your world with? How do you want others to consider you?
If you feel that there are aspects of your communication that can improve, I offer you coaching, training and facilitation solutions to align your communication with your individual and team goals.